JW Marriott Chicago


Hotels & HospitalityHotel SpasLuxury HotelsTheatre Hotels

About Us

Embark on an extravagant escape from everyday reality at JW Marriott Chicago, a landmark hotel brimming with captivating history. In Spring 2020, our hotel will reveal a stunning guest room transformation, with accommodations inspired by the iconic Pullman luxury rail car. Benefit from our hotel's excellent location in downtown Chicago, on the Loop, with easy access to the West Loop neighborhood, Columbia College, the Art Institute of Chicago, Millennium Park and Skydeck Chicago. After a busy day in the city, pamper yourself with our array of luxury amenities, including an on-site spa, an indoor lap pool, a modern fitness center and a delicious restaurant and lounge serving authentic Italian cuisine and specialty cocktails. If you're seeking venue or meeting space in downtown Chicago, celebrate and congregate in our elegant rooms, including our stunning Burnham Ballroom. Whatever the reason for your visit, we look forward to welcoming at JW Marriott Chicago.