Chicago's Doghouse


Restaurants, Bars & Cafes

About Us

Chicago's Doghouse is a gourmet sausage and hot dog shop. Specializing in exotic sausage such as smoked alligator, rattlesnake, wild boar and more. Along with their unique sausage selection. Chicago's Doghouse is famed for their original Chicago style hot dog. Our Chicago Style hot dog is ''dragged through the garden'' (as the locals like to call it). This includes mustard, tomatoes, neon green relish, sport peppers, pickle spear and a dash of celery salt. Heaven on earth!

Chicago's Doghouse's Original location was established in 2009 Lincoln Park Chicago. Since then, they now have a 2nd location at 816 w. Fullerton ave. and the other at Washington Hall located at 15 w. Washington st. Whatever your taste palate, Chicago's Doghouse with sure peek your culinary curiosity.


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